Announcement: Portal-Wide Forum Migration
On May 4th, we'll be migrating all our game forums into a singular location and pulling down the current ones. Please read inside for more details.
By Andy (StrumSlinger) April 27, 2015 11:00 AM

Hey everyone,

On May 4th, we’ll be migrating all forums to one singular location and to make things much easier for you guys. Each game will still have their own sub-forum, but will share a main hub. This means that some of the current forums will be pulled down, but will be migrated at their new location here: You can log-in to the forums by simply using the same credentials as your Arc log-in. Take a look at the aforementioned link to get a glimpse of what the new forums will look like. All threads will be ported over, allowing you to continue your conversations at the new location.

The forums affected are as follows:

  • Neverwinter
  • Star Trek Online
  • PWI
  • Forsaken World
  • Battle of the Immortals
  • War of the Immortals
  • Blacklight: Retribution
  • Champions Online
  • Ether Saga Odyssey
  • Jade Dynasty
  • RaiderZ


Swordsman, Elsword, Stronghold Kingdoms, APB: Reloaded and Star Conflict won’t be affected as they’re currently already using the new forum structure. After the migration, all you need to do is visit Arc Games and voila, all forums will be in the same place. If you play more than one of our games, no more switching back and forth between different tabs!

If you only play one of our games, this migration will positively affect you as well. Beforehand, we were using vBulletin to host our forums, but now, we’ll be hosted by Vanilla – anything that shares the same name with ice cream is good, right? The main features of the Vanilla forums are the customization options and the ease of access.


You can easily change your profile picture, thumbnail, signature and even provide updates on your status and activity by clicking on your Arc name on the top left of the forums page. The Vanilla forums even allow the use of GIFs as your profile picture and thumbnail! Your thumbnail will appear wherever you post in addition to many other places, so make sure it looks perfect.

We all know signatures are extremely important to any player’s profile, so never fear, they can be edited and changed here:

Ease of Access:

As previously stated, you’ll be able to reach any of our games’ forums by heading here: By the click of the link at the top left, you can return to the main hub of the Arc Games forum.

You can also bookmark a thread by clicking the star symbol. A bookmarked thread will go into the “My Bookmarks” link on the left, where you can easily track any thread you wish to keep tabs on.

Users can format posts with HTML, Markdown or BBcode. Images are automatically resized and YouTube videos are automatically embedded. Even Tweets and Vines are recognized!

Finally, you can get anyone’s attention by writing an “@” before the user’s name. An auto-complete list will appear, allowing you to select the correct user. Once that user is mentioned, they’ll receive a notification.

There are many other intricacies to be discovered with the Vanilla forums, so have a peek around at your leisure. Did we mention how slick they look as well? They’re pretty slick.

We’re excited about this migration and can’t wait to see it in all its glory! If you have any questions or want to continue the conversation about our games, feel free to contact us on Twitter or Facebook.